Pink Shirt Day


Today is pink shirt day, a day of awareness for anti-bullying. Bullying impacts children and youth’s mental health, self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, ability to manage stress and inability to be inclusive. Unchecked it grows into adults who stand by in the face of harassment, racism, discrimination and cruelty.

The greatest weapon we have against bullying is empathy – imagining yourself in someone else’s shoes. How would you feel if you were being treated that way? Would it be “just a joke” if it were on you?

Pink shirt day started after some students noticed another student being bullied for wearing a pink shirt. They spread empathy and kindness throughout the school and many students showed up in pink shirts to support. Anti-bullying is not only about not picking on people, it is also about not standing by and letting it happen. Let’s lift each other up and be kind.

If you know a child or youth experiencing bullying, here is the number for the Canada Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868.

If you are an adult interested in having the tools to intervene bystander training, check out Right to Be.

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